Thursday, January 31, 2019

Weekend Raver 

Stalked by our own state of mind,
in self defence 
we massacred midnight.
Raving on the disused factory floor
tribal drums, dark beat blood throb; 
so animalistic.

We were so godless, 
sunshine obsessed
to blister the moon
with gregarious neon 
from the screaming streets 
to the needle and the spoon. 

Our blurred auras
worshipped the next five minutes
with chemical devotions 
as 120 beats bang into 
unobtainable moments.
We’ve been riding shooting stars 
all night long,
on galaxy ram-raids 
stealing celestial lights, 
robbing the night’s sky 
of the right to shine 
we’re speeding 
into our own darkness.

© 2006 P.A.Levy
first published by lines written with/a razor 2009