Friday, November 19, 2021

Performing in the Circus of Breathing

The secret of living is breathing;

so there you are crawling around

gulping air like a pacman

hunting magic numbers until

… drum roll …  you disappear.

Welcome to the circus.

We have the strongest, tallest,

fattest, smallest, we have

bearded women, conjoined twins,

hermaphrodites and mermaids,

we even have our own elephant man,

but that’s strictly x-rated.

Roll up.  Roll up.

We are the greatest show on earth,

standing on just one leg 

on the bare back of a galloping horse

we go around and around in circles 

- hey! that’s worth a round of applause.

For our pleasure and amusement  

we can throw flames in any direction,

with a whip and a chair we tame roaring lions,

disco with bears, teach dogs mathematics,

dress a chimpanzee in a white coat and he’ll

explain the theory of quantum physics,

and bomb juggling, ha! we do that blindfolded;

better watch out for those butter-finger clowns

- nah only joking!

So step onto the high wire 

and stretch out your arms; spotlight centre stage 

this is your big top debut,

but remember a little caution please 

as a safety net is no longer provided,

well let’s face it, you should know by now 

that from the cradle (performance ready) 

to the grave realization that breathing

isn’t a secret; 

all you have to do is learn to exhale

without screaming.

© 2007  P.A.Ley