Home to Roost
off the midnight yawn at st-rat-ford station
cl-amber out the tube hole
smelling of dust cove-red electricity
clinging st-atic
stub-born like a shadow
stumble into the words of sp-ray can
that trickle down walls
in sob mas-cara let-ters
and the tags of the disaffected
that lay a cl-aim to
grime parts of graph-ite coloured do-main
wall-f-lower posters flutter but can’t fly
word on the street all torn and tattered
as if words ever mattered
jumble of sounds no-ise
poor reception
caught in tv aerial tan-gle
dream cat-chers
for the thread-bare set-tee acade-mics
un-sybaritic con-crete echoes with calls in
ob-scene anglo-saxon
amber spot-lights an-other beer bottle
be-comes a thou-sand different diamondesque
against the d-ole grey
that gives the land-scape its stark cut out-line
right angles
straight lines
con-trasted on street corners
by b-leached blonde im-migrant whores
who parade curves in colour
shivering in short skirts e-yes freeze
into self-preservation cry-ogenics
dissolving the pretty girl looks
into hero-in reflections
tart lem-on ac-id
and the sulphurous plum-es of burnt match-es
hold a f-lame to cctv superstars in
branded train-ers
boom b-ass boys fuel injected cruise by
looking for the star shine
that seeps from cracked pip-es
searching to find
Nirvana E15
© 2006 P.A.Levy
First published by StepAway 2011